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How to EQ Vocals in 60 Seconds.

I your having trouble with getting your vocals to sit right in the mix and sound clear at the same time then this 60 second tip might help you out.

1. Hi Pass the Low End

Take a High pass filter on your EQ and roll off any and all low end below 80 hz. This way any low rumble from the microphone picked up during the recording can be cleared up. If 80hz isn't enough (or if you have a female vocalist) keep dragging the low pass filter until you hear it affecting the sound, once you start to hear it, back it off a but.

2. Remove that 400hz Mud,

Almost always in the 400hz area there is a bunch of low mid energy that doesn't need to be in the mix. Cut this with a mid band eq anyway form 3-6 db, this way you can clear up your vocal.

3. Add some air to that Bihhh

Now that we've cleaned up the low end of our vocal, we can now add some real clarity and shine to it. Take a high shelf filter and bring up the frequencies above 6K for clarity, shine and air.

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