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The best compression ration is 3:1

Use parallel compression to make your drums sound beefier

Your music sounds squashed

The 1176 is the best compressor ever

Stop stop stop, when it comes to the internet, there are so many tips and tricks when it comes to making your music sound better, that it can get pretty confusing. With so many terms, “so called professionals” and more all spread out, musicians and novice engineers ultimately leave more confused and ultimately ask, WTF is Compression?

Welcome everybody I’m your teacher Mr. Meezy and class is in session

Today we’re gonna take a look at what compression is:

So first, let take a look at what a compressor is. If you take a look at the definition of compression in a dictionary.. err wait who am I kidding nobody uses the dictionary any more

If you look up the definition of compression on google you get: (definition of compression) that's literally what a compressor does, it takes elements of audio and makes them quieter

Now, when looking at a compressor plugin there can be simple ones and very very complex ones, but they all share 5 things in common

1. Threshold

2. Attack

3. Release

4. Make Up Gain

5. Ratio

We’ll break each one of these down to their core:

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